One of our valued training clients recently had a gap analysis conducted by an Industry Consultant against the Aged Care Quality Standards.
Amongst other things the Consultant’s advice was that the client was required to have an ‘Improvement Register’.
The client in an attempt to do the right thing set about establishing an Improvement Register within their organisation. This created a lot of confusion within the organisation as to how many registers were needed.
They contacted us in somewhat of a perplexed state and said that we seem to be going around in circles and can’t make a decision on how we can satisfy the requirement.
To be clear the standard does not specifically mention a requirement for any registers, however, it does require the organisation to be able to demonstrate evidence of continuous improvement across the organisation and its services, and a plan to improve the quality and safety of care services.
Oh, and by the way, continuous improvement means to continue without interruption and should be directly and consistently applied to the processes that support an organisation’s products and/or services.